Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Bates Way

This is part of the way that we do things...just so everyone knows. The bathroom is completely torn apart. The plumber was supposed to bring the new bath tub last week. He finally brought it today and it was the wrong size. Nothing can go on until we get that in...so we put it on hold over the weekend and decided to clean the house. While we were cleaning we decided to go to IKEA and get some curtains to act as closet doors. Well, after we bought some we decided to finish cleaning out the rooms and it ended up being a good time to pull out the carpet and put in the flooring. and that made it possible to repaint the room. So after we decided to clean the house over the weekend we ended up with everything out of Jessi's room and spread around the house, with only a couple of places left to sit and a weeks worth of project to get working on! And that, ladies and gentelmen, is how WE roll!

1 comment:

Suz said...

uh huh! sometimes you have to make a BIGGER mess before it gets smaller... everyone knows that...