Monday, June 22, 2009

Fan update!

Well, I finally got the courage up to try and install a fan box in the vaulted ceiling living room. It was another two day project, but when it was done, all of a sudden the house is more livable in the heat. I had to cut two additional holes in the drywall to get the fan in. One where the ceiling meets the wall to get the wire going down and the other in the wall just below the projector screen. Apparently they put two by fours in the walls for some unknown reason. But oh well, it went in and the fan went up. But I have to take at least part of the fan back to Home Depot as the lights don't work. I troubleshot it as far as i could and it seems that I just need the bottom piece but we will see. I will probably have to take the whole thing down and return it. Here are some pics. If you look at the one with the fan you might notice that we are going to try to put up some crown moulding...should be an exercise in patience!

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